Drs. Colaprete, Prettyman, and Titus have been approached by the Journal Planetary and Space Science to organize a special Polar Processes issue focusing on polar surface atmosphere interactions.

This special issue would encompass all of the new data (MGS, MO, MEX) and climate models to paint a coherent picture of the transport and exchange of energy, water, CO2, and inert gasses in the polar region.

The special issue will focus on many of the current areas of research that have immediate impact on current research and future missions. For example, the vertical and horizontal distribution of water ice is of great importance to the interpretation of GRS and Neutron Spectrometer data and to landing site selection for Phoenix. This special issue would bring together papers from both data analysis and climate modelers, thus providing a complete picture of the current state of polar data, models, and research.

The projected time line is as follows:
Notice of Intent:
15 Apr 2005 * Even though we have passed this date, we are still accepting NOIs so long as other deadlines can be met.
Receipt of Manuscript:
1 July 2005
Final Acceptance:
1 Oct 2005
Estimated Publication:
1 Jan 2006

We need at least 10 papers for this special issue to be a success. Would you please contact us by 15-APRIL-05 to let us know if you would like to submit a paper to this special issue? Please provide a title or brief (1-sentence) description of your topic. We look forward to your participation.

Sincerely, Anthony Colaprete, Thomas Prettyman, Timothy Titus