Mars Ice

Polar CO2 saturated atmosphere profile.

The following figures and tables are based on a CO2 saturated atmosphere over the winter polar cap. The model atmosphere is based on the Clausius-Clapeyron relation: ln P= 23.3494 - 3182.48/T (MARS p 959.9), and a mean atomic weight of 43.3463.

Figure 1: Elevation vs. temperature for a standard saturated polar atmosphere.

Figure 2: Pressure vs. temperature for a standard saturated polar atmosphere.

Elev[km] Pres[Pa]  Temp[K]
      -8.  1597.47  154.66
      -7.  1406.00  153.70
      -6.  1236.59  152.75
      -5.  1086.80  151.81
      -4.   954.48  150.88
      -3.   837.65  149.95
      -2.   734.59  149.03
      -1.   643.73  148.11
       0.   563.70  147.20
       1.   493.29  146.30
       2.   431.35  145.40
       3.   376.91  144.51
       4.   329.10  143.63
       5.   287.13  142.75
       6.   250.32  141.88
       7.   218.07  141.01
       8.   189.82  140.15
       9.   165.11  139.29
      10.   143.51  138.44
      11.   124.63  137.60
      12.   108.15  136.76
      13.    93.78  135.93
      14.    81.25  135.10
      15.    70.34  134.28
      16.    60.85  133.46
      17.    52.60  132.65
      18.    45.42  131.85
      19.    39.20  131.05
      20.    33.80  130.25
      21.    29.12  129.46
      22.    25.07  128.68
      23.    21.56  127.90
      24.    18.53  127.12
      25.    15.91  126.35
      26.    13.65  125.59
      27.    11.70  124.83
      28.    10.03  124.08
      29.     8.58  123.33
      30.     7.34  122.59
      31.     6.27  121.85
      32.     5.35  121.11

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